T7.1. Project website
T7.2. Participation in conferences
1. O. Zaim, H. Elyoubi, N. El Bari, B. Bouchikhi, Simultaneous assessment of volatile organic compound-based urinary and exhaled breath tests for diabetes diagnosis by using E-nose and VE-tongue systems, Poster presentation at International Symposium On Olfaction And Electronic Nose (ISOEN), Aveiro, Portugal, 26 Mai- 1 Juin 2022. – UMI
2. M. Moufid, C. Tiebe, N. El Bari, M. Bartholmai, B. Bouchikhi, Advance in electronic nose technology developed for the detection and discrimination of ethanol, ammonia, and hydrogen sulfide gases, Poster presentation at IEEE International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose (ISOEN), Aveiro, Portugal, 26 Mai – 1 Juin 2022. – UMI
3. Y. Aghoutane,B. Bouchikhi, N. El Bari, Enzyme-based biosensor to detect chlorpyrifos pesticide for environment and agro-food safet, Oral presentation at Tenth International Workshop on Biosensors, Dakhla, Morocco, 13-15 October 2022. – UMI
4. M. War, Y. Aghoutane, S. Motia, B. Bouchikhi, N. El Bari, An Electrochemical Sensor based on silver and copper oxide nanoparticles for the detection of ciprofloxacin residues in food and environmental samples, Oral presentation at Tenth International Workshop on Biosensors, Dakhla, Morocco, 13-15 October 2022. – UMI
5. O. Zaim, B. Bouchikhi, N. El Bari, N. Lagdali, I. Benelbarhdadi, F.Z. Ajana, Diagnosing Lung And Gastric Cancers Through Exhaled Breath Analysis By Using Electronic Nose Technology Combined With Pattern Recognition Methods, Oral presentation at IEEE Sensors 2021, online, 31 October – 3 November 2021, Sydney, Australia. – UMI
6. Zouhair Haddi, Joshua Llano, Miquel Alfaras, Daniel Marı́n, Alexandre Perera-Lluna, Alberto
Fernández, Xavier Llauradó, Narcís Avellena, Jordi Fonollosa, Eduard Llobet, “IoT Gas Sensors Array
for Unobtrusive Tracking of Cooking Activity”, IEEE/IFAC CoDIT 2023, July 03-06, 2023 – NVISION
7. Zouhair Haddi (NVISION), “Unobtrusive Health Monitoring Systems”, invited talk at Upskilling course on Organic and Flexible Electronics · November 24-25, 2022 [ Program. Upskilling course on Organic and Flexible Electronics · November 24-25, 2022 (] – NVISION
8. T. G. Welearegay, L: Österlund “AGD-Fabricated Nanoporous NiO Films for CO and NO2 Gas Sensing Application”, 2023 IEEE SENSORS, Vienna, Austria from October 29 – November 1, 2023. Oral: Session A1L-08: Chemical, Electrochemical and Gas Sensors – 1. – UU
- Suschinel R, Jaimes-Mogollon AL, Gutierrez-Marin R, Pena-Cortes LC, Mendoza-Ibarra JA, Florez-Gelvez J, Dumbrav˘a C, Uzunof M, Simion VE and Ionescu R (2023) Challenges during the realization of an international research project on leishmaniasis in Colombia. Front. Public Health 11:1143939. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1143939
- J. Smulko, K. Drozdowska, A. Rehman, T. Welearegay, L. Österlund, S. Rumyantsev, G. Cywiński, B. Stonio, A. Krajewska, M. Filipiak, P. Sai, Low-frequency noise in Au decorated Graphene/Si Schottky barrier diode at selected ambient gases, Appl. Phys. Lett., 2023, 122, 211901.
- Janusz Smulko, Andrzej Kwiatkowski, Katarzyna Drozdowska, Lars Österlund, Tesfalem Welearegay, Adil Rehman, Sergey Rumyantsev. Probability distribution of flicker noise in AuNPdecorated graphene–Si Schottky barrier diode. International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations (ICNF), Grenoble, France, 2023, pp. 1-4,
T7.4. Dissemination in mass-media
- 19/08/2021: Article published by La Opinion, Colombia, titled: “Unipamplona investiga sobre la leishmaniasis canina” (Unipamplona is conducting research on canine leishmaniasis) – UP
- 1/03/2022: Article published by La Voz de la Región (Colombia): “Universidad de Pamplona seleccionó a Neiva para investigación sobre leishmaniasis”. – UP
Press release
- 2021-06-18: Press release published by UP on university’s website, titled: “Proyecto europeo “CANLEISH” inicia sus estancias investigativas en el exterior” (The European project “CANLEISH” starts the research secondments in the exterior). – UP
- 2021-10-12: Press release published by UP on university’s website, titled: “Estudiantes extranjeros realizarán Intercambio de Investigación en la sede principal” (Foreign researchers will realize a research exchange at our main institution) – UP
- Press release published by UP (Neiva, Colombia):;; – UP
- 2021: Press release published by UCBET on university’s website, titled: “L’UNIVERSITÉ CHADLI BENDJEDID D’EL TARF PARTICIPE À DES TRAVAUX D’INVESTIGATION ET DE PROSPECTION SUR LA LEISHMANIOSE” الجامعة في الصحافة الجامعة في الصحافة – 27 فيفري 2021 ( – UCBET
- Press release published by UP-Colombia:
- February 24, 2023, Interview with the digital newspaper “El Santanderista”, Colombia. Interviewed: Aylen Lisset Jaimes Mogollón, Title: “Leishmaniasis, an environmental problem”.
- Date: 03/03/2023 Official website university of pamplona, Colombia. Title: “Docentes investigadores de la Unipamplona realizan estancia de investigación en el Instituto Pasteur en Túnez, África del proyecto CANLEISH – para combatir la Leishmaniasis”.
- Date: 3 April 2023 published by UP-Columbia
Title: “Avances desde Suecia del proyecto CANLEISH contra la Leishmaniasis por docente de la Unipamplona”.
Official website university of Pamplona, Colombia.
- Date: 22 May 2023, published in Romania (USH) Revista “Romanian Journal of Health Manager” (RJHM) nr. 21 (1) 2023,
- 2021-08-26: 94.9 FM Radio Universidad de Pamplona broadcasted in the “FM News” program a radio interview taken to Lisset Jaimes (UP) titled “Universidad de Pamplona avanza en el campo investigativo en el exterior” (University of Pamplona is advancing in the research activities performed abroad). – UP
- Interview in the radio station of the University of Pamplona, entitled, “International Canleish Project” strengthens research. Interviewee: Aylen Lisset Jaimes Mogollón. January 31, 8:30 am, place: Universidad De Pamplona radio station.
Facebook / Instagram
1. Non-invasive volatiles test for canine leishmaniasis diagnosis | Facebook, 8 september 2021 – USH
2. Note related to CANLEISH 7 March 2022: – UP
3. Note related to CANLEISH, UP, Colombia, 22 March 2023:
4. Note related to CANLEISH: secodnments USH-ENCL, March 13,2023:
5. Note related to CANLEISH: PCR Real Time analysis Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (USH), Romania, April 3, 2023:
6. Note related to CANLEISH: secondments USH-NVIS, April 6, 2023: and
1. Video material (2022) – interviews with team members from Romania, Colombia and Estonia – USH
T7.5. Communication to target groups
Universities community
1. Date: 21/06/2021 – EMU
Activity: Presentation of the CANLEISH project to EMU staff
Place: Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, EMU
Speakers: EMU (1) and UP (1)
Participants: 6 leading researchers from EMU, 2 researchers from UP
2. Date: 24/11/2021 – UP
Place: UP Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Title of presentation: “Test no invasivo de compuestos volátiles para el diagnóstico de la leishmaniasis en perros”
Speakers: Laura-Madalina Lixandru (USH)
Aylen Lisset Jaimes Mogollón (UP)
Date: Wednesday, November 24, 2021, 10:00
Participants: 50 veterinary university students, 6 professors
3. Date: 14/12/2021 – UCBET
Activity: Seminar for University Chadli Bendjedid, El-Tarf, Algeria
Scope: Presentation of the ‘’Vector-borne diseases, epidemiology, diagnosis and establishment of control plans: case of zoonotic leishmaniasis’’
Place: Online meeting
– Dr. Zeroual Faycal, University El-Tarf – Feasibility and safety of antiparasitic collars in the fight against canine vector pathologies: specific case of northern zoonotic leishmaniasis
– Dr. Righi Souad, University El-Tarf – Clinical and experimental diagnosis of animal leishmaniases and investigation of their impact on biomedical parameters
– Dr. Ouchene Nassim, University Blida-1 – Diagnosis and clinical case leishmaniasis
– Dr. Saidan Khelaf, Blida-1 University – Contribution of statistical and epidemiological methods to studies inherent to leishmaniasis
– Dr. Dib Loubna, University El-Tarf – Screening for zoonotic leishmaniasis in the North
– Dr. Boucheikhchoukh Mehdi, University El-Tarf – Impact of climate change and urbanization on the distribution of sand flies vectors of leishmaniasis
4. Date: 24/01/2022 – UP
Place: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UP
Title of presentation: “Test no invasivo de compuestos volátiles para el diagnóstico de la leishmaniasis en perros”
Objective: Socialization of the Canleish project and agreement to take samples in Neiva-Colombia.
Speakers: Aylen Lisset Jaimes Mogollón, PhD, Colombia
Assistants: 9, (3 Veterinary doctors of the health secretary of the city of Neiva, Colombia and 6 assistants of the work team of the university of Pamplona, PhD. Radu Ionescu, PhD. Jesús Mendoza, PhD. José Florez, PhD. Luis Carlos Peña, Ms. Reinaldo Gutierrez. PhD, Lisset Jaimes).
5. Date: 15/02/2022 – UCBET
CANLEISH UNIV TARF vous invite à une réunion Zoom planifiée.
Heure : 15 févr. 2022 14:00 Alger
Participer à la réunion Zoom
ID de réunion : 895 4305 9398; Code secret : 12345
Sujet : Zoom meeting invitation – Réunion Zoom de CANLEISH UNIV TARF
Heure : 15 févr. 2022 14:30 Paris
Participer à la réunion Zoom
ID de réunion : 970 055 4968; Code secret : yPpQ91.
6. Date: October 11-12/10/2022 2:00 pm – USH
Place: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, USH
Title of presentation: The importance of laboratory analyzes in the diagnosis of some diseases
Speakers: DVM Alexandru Fita (Diamedix SA), DVM Daniel Tomeci (France), DVM Alexandru Gheorghita (Digitail).
Attendees: 43 students and teachers
7. Date: 18/11/2022, 10.00 am – UP
Scope: Presentation of the CANLEISH project, “Detección de leishmaniasis canina a través de un sistema de olfato artificial”
Place: Auditorium, Electronic Engineering University of Pamplona, Colombia.
Participants: 15 Students of biomedical engineering Manuela Beltran University, 7 teachers from UP and 10 Electronic engineering students of the university of Pamplona
8. Date: 09/03/2023, 9am – UP
Scope: Talk for Universidad de Caldas-Colombia, PhD students, chemistry department and research department
Title: “Chemical information and sensor design/ Canleish Project”
Participants: 25 doctoral students; 7 research professors; 4 administrative-researchers; 3 laboratory technicians
9. Date: 4/05/2023
Event: Participation at the Forum “Current Challenges and Trends in Postgraduate Studies and Internationalization”
Place: University of Caldas UP
Project speaker: Radu Ionescu (EMU)
Seminar title: Cooperation between Europe and Latin America within EC funded programs
10. Date: 5/05/2023
Place: University of Caldas UP
Secondment seminar: Diagnosis of Leishmaniasis disease through exhaled breath analysis
Project speaker: Radu Ionescu (EMU)
1. Comparto el enlace de youtube
2. Comparto link conexión por zoom
ID de reunión: 833 2477 3238
Código de acceso: 660643
Link inscripción evento
11. Date: 15/05/2023
Place: Bucaramanga, Colombia UP
Event: Project presentation at Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Project participant: Radu Ionescu (EMU)
12. Date: 18/05/2023, 12.30pm EEC – USH
Place: USH-Romania
Event: Sesiunea stiintifica a cadrelor didactice, ,,Medicina Veterinara pentru sanatatea animalelor si a consumatorilor’’, editia a 24-a / Event: Scientific session of teaching staff, “Veterinary Medicine for the health of animals and consumers”, 24th edition
Prezentare comunicări /Presentation of communications
1. Legislation and regulations concerning leishmaniasis,Magdalena Radu
2. Leishmaniasis in wildlife – sentinel, amplifier or maintenancehost? – Madalina Lixandru
3. Principii de diagnostic clinic si tratament in leishmaniozacanina – Bacescu Bogdan
No of participants: 29.
13. Date: 26/10/2023 UP
Scope: XVII National and X International Meeting of Livestock Science Researchers, ENICIP.
Title of the publication: “Serological and molecular determination of the presence of visceral leishmaniasis in canines from an outbreak in Neiva (Huila)”.
Place: Medellín, El Tesoro Event Center, Colombia.
Hour: 10:00 am
Participants: Approx. 500 people from veterinary medicine, engineering, and administration from all universities in Colombia.
14. Date: 8/09/2023
Scope: International Projects for High Quality Accreditation of the Mechatronics Engineering Program of the University of Pamplona.
Place: Auditorium, “Jorge Gaitán” University of Pamplona, Colombia.
Hour: 8:00 am
Participants:60 teachers of engineering University of Pamplona; 20 professional graduates
Meeting with health representatives
1. Date: 2/02/2022 –UP
Activity: Meeting with representatives of the Health Department from Arboledas, Norte de Santander, Colombia
Scope: Presentation of the CANLEISH project
Place: Health Department, town hall, Arboledas
o 7 representatives from the Health Department from Arboledas, Colombia
o 4 representatives from UP
o 2 representatives from EMU
Conclusion: The Secretary of Health of Arboledas, showed great interest in the project and will collaborate with us in the determination of foci of leishmaniasis in the urban and rural areas of Arboledas for samples collection and device testing.
2. 23/02/2022 – UP
Activity: Meeting with representatives of the Health Department from Neiva, Colombia
Scope: Presentation of the CANLEISH project
Place: Online meeting
o 3 representatives from the Health Department from Neiva, Colombia
o 5 representatives from UP
o 1 representative from EMU
Conclusion: The Health Department from Neiva, an endemic zone for leishmaniasis in Colombia, showed high interest in the project and will collaborate with us in determining outbreaks of leishmaniasis in the region of Neiva for samples collection and device testing
Visits at schools
1. Date: 8/02/2022 – UP
Scope: Presentation of the CANLEISH project
Place: Auditorium, Educational Institution: “San José Provincial School, Campus Jose Rafael Faría, Pamplona”, Norte de Santander, Colombia.
Hour: 9:00 am Participants: 25 sixth grade high school students and 2 teachers.; 1 representative from UP (Aylen Lisset Jaimes Mogollón)
Hour: 10:00 am Participants: 21 seventh grade high school students and 2 teachers.; 1 representative from UP (Aylen Lisset Jaimes Mogollón)
Hour: 11:00 am Participants: 20 eighth grade high school students and 2 teachers; 1 representative from UP (Aylen Lisset Jaimes Mogollón)
2. Date: 19/05/2022 – USH
Place: “Scoala Generala no 1”, Jilava, Ilfov, Romania, Auditorium
Project staff that presented: Lixandru Laura-Madalina (USH), Aylen Lisset Jaimes Mogollon (UP)
Place: “Scoala Generala no. 1”, Jilava, Ilfov, Romania
Hour: 10:00 am Participants: 54 seventh grade middle school students and 6 teachers from Jilava, Romania.
Title: “International projects – Women in science. CANLEISH, a Project in Development”
Meetings with public authorities
1. Date: 6/12/2021 – USH
Place: Romanian Embassy, Bogota, Colombia
Event: Reception organised by the Romanian Embassy in Colombia
Project participants: Laura-Madalina Lixandru (USH), Lisset Jaimes (UP), Ivaldo Torres (UP-Rector), Radu Ionescu (EMU)
Attendance: 60 people
2. Date: 23/02/2022 – UP
Place: City Hall, Neiva, Colombia
Event: Presentation of the CANLEISH project to the public authorities from Neiva
Project participants: Lisset Jaimes (UP), Radu Ionescu (EMU)
Other participants: Secretary of the City Hall of Neiva; Vice-secretary of the City Hall of Neiva; Press Department of the City Hall of Neiva, staff from the Health Department of Neiva
Meetings with customers
- Date: 2/03/2024 – UP, UMI
Place: MGM Bucharest/Company, 10:00 am
Event: CANLEISH Electronic Nose System
Participants: Arcadie Sobetkii (MGM), Arcadii Sobetkii MGM), MAKHTAR WAR (UMI), ALASSANE DIOUF (UMI), Laura Madalina Lixandru (EMU), Aylen Lisset Jaimes Mogollón (UP).
- Date: 22/03/2024
Scope: Non-invasive volatiles test for canine leishmaniasis diagnosis- Advances
– Place: MGM Bucharest/Company
– Hour: 13:00 hours
– Speaker: Dr. Aylen Lisset Jaimes Mogollón, University of Pamplona
– Participants:
Dr. Teodoru SOARE, histopathologist, University of Agronomical Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest,
Dr. Constantin RIZEA, clinician and surgeon, ROXY VETERINARY SRL (private veterinay practice) – Magurele city.
MGM Researchers: Dr. Mohammed Alqasim Alsabti, Dr. Alaa ABOU HARA
National Institute of Optoelectronics Researchers: Dr. Costin Rizea, Dr. Ana-Maria Raduta, Dr. Stefan Iordache, Dr. Stefan Caramizoiu, Dr. Cristiana Grigorescu
Foreign Researchers: Camilo Andrés Albarracín Rojas, University of Caldas/Colombia
Meetings with indigenous community
- Date: 2/05/2023
Event: Project presentation at the local indigenous community
Place: Supia, Colombia
Project participants: Radu Ionescu (EMU), Sihem Ben Fadhel (IPT)